How do co-working spaces affect the employee? Employee is an imperative component of a healthy and productive workplace. Their wellness is as important as the company’s share value. Coworking spaces are new and converted office spaces that are designed with the idea of employee completion and overall growth. There are a number of impacts of Coworking office space that can boost employee motivation. Physical health Today, corporate work culture is totally different! A majority of us spend the entire day sitting and tapping on our devices. Being involved in physical activity helps with posture and is necessary for productivity. Co-working spaces offer amenities like game zones, cafeterias, rooftop gardens, and standing desks for employees to unwind in. These work environments support a healthy lifestyle and include nutrient-dense snacks, walk-meeting opportunities, and sit-and-stand desks. Employees, whenever feel a downtime, they have recreational activities to get their mojo...